A New Year’s Resolutions: Hope and Change — Time to “Reboot”
A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION: HOPE AND CHANGE – TIME TO “REBOOT” SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT By Ricki Pepin© – December 2014 “Free health care!” “Free cell phones!” “I […]
American Exceptionalism — Nationalistic Arrogance or Historical Fact?
AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM –NATIONALISTIC ARROGANCE OR HISTORICAL FACT? SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT By Ricki Pepin© – December 2014 American Exceptionalism. The very term evokes highly charged emotions backed by two very […]
Most Americans today would call themselves patriots. Would you? But what does that mean…to be an American…to be a patriot? What is the basis for your self-description as a patriotic […]
Christianity in the Classroom
We’re told by progressives and many public educators that God, specifically the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible, has no place in the classroom. Not only, they say, is this a […]
ACLU Threats-Obstacles or Opportunities
Do you find yourself discouraged over the sheer volume of battles we face as progressives continue to interfere in so many areas of our personal and public lives? Education, property […]
Constitutional Literacy-Does it Matter
Pop quiz: What holiday do Americans celebrate on September 17? If you said, “Constitution Day” congratulations! You are among a very small minority of Americans who know something of their […]
Social Justice-Biblical or Progressive
Will the real social justice please stand up? How do you find truth within the two very conflicting camps pervading America today on this hot topic? A principle approach comparison […]
Church and State-Cohorts or Combantants
We’ve all heard the protests: “Separation of church and State! You can’t post the 10 Commandments in a courthouse! You can’t have Jesus in a Christmas play in a public […]
Racists, Red Herrings & Rhetoric
Are you tired of being slapped with the label “racist” whenever you speak against unconstitutional policies like affirmative action, amnesty for illegal aliens, or anyone who supports such efforts? Who […]