The POWER of Hope!
The POWER of Hope!
Discovering the Secrets, Keys, and Promises of the Kingdom
Jesus spoke about the promises, secrets and keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. What did He mean? Do you have the keys? Do you know the secrets? Does it matter? The truth will come forth. Will you be the one to bring it or will you simply go along for the ride?
This book was life-changing for me. It is not about the events of the end times. Rather, it is about who we are in Christ right now and forever. Through very effective repetition, and probably some help from the Holy Spirit, I now think of myself in a new way, and the ideas from this book have become a backdrop for other things I am reading, including the Bible. Thank you, Ricki!” – Deborah P.
Ricki Pepin, author of “God’s Health Plan,” is a wife, mother and grandmother. A former homeschool teacher to her children, she was introduced to the Principle Approach to education in 1991 and developed an enthusiastic vision to share this wonderful method of learning with as many people as possible. For more than 20 years she has lectured extensively in many locations and venues, including international television and radio. The topics have encompassed biblical health, the U. S. Constitution and now what we all need: HOPE. Her focus is in teaching others how to deepen their relationship with their Creator as they search out the truth in whatever subject they are pursuing, thus, enriching themselves and making this world a better place for them and their great-great grandchildren.