the Message
The Institute on the Constitution (IOTC) is a 12-week study of Christianity and the Constitution. This 80-minute DVD provides an overview of the content and Principle Approach teaching method which has spurred an explosion in the number of people taking this course.
Ricki Pepin was awarded the “Great Commission Award” by the IOTC due to this explosive growth and outreach.
Institute on the Constitution Course
Institute on the Constitution (IOTC) course description. Why are we different from other Constitution courses?
Available in an independent study online or group study. Group study is more highly recommended – find or host a local course in your community.
Read more about this unique course.
Where do We
Go From Here?
Live lecture – Where Do We Go From Here?This is a live, one hour PowerPoint talk that will inspire and give specific direction for any Christian or Patriotic group working towards restoring America to her limited, Constitutional form of government. Astonishing facts and relevant stories – education leading to activation!
Check out the Events page for speaking schedule, or contact Ricki Pepin for availability.
Restoring Americas’ Foundation
DVD with two historical and motivational messages:
Lecture one: Why Do We Need to Know the Constitution? A 35-minute talk very suited to Liberty Groups, civic organizations or homeschoolers.
Lecture two: Your American Heritage – What is it? A 40-minute talk with PowerPoints connecting our Christian and American heritage. Very appropriate for churches, Christians or homeschools.

God’s Health Plan –
The Audacious Journey to a Better Life
Are you frustrated with health “experts” who give conflicting advice, none of which ever seems to work for you?
Then, this is the book for you – a Principle Approach educational experience to better understand your God-designed body and how to care for it. This book was nominated for the Gold Medallion Award, (a highly prestigious annual award given by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association), and received the Book Choice Award. Be sure to go to the Media Archive page and click on the link to watch the Miracle Network television interview!
The POWER of Hope!
Do you have hope? What is it you hope for? Is your hope only for eternity or do you have hope for your present day situation?
Discovering the secrets, keys and promises of the kingdom will lead you to hope for today and tomorrow within your God-ordained purpose.
As always, Ricki Pepin uses the Principle Approach to guide the reader to discover truth. Click here to read more!